MigrArt review @ Palermo
Tuesday 22 The MigrArt mini tour began in March at the Molti Volti in Palermo. Misia Lo Bianco who wrote this review was also present at the show:
…I was lucky enough to be there that evening and from the first moments of the exhibition of this very particular project,and with greater awareness at the end of this sensitive union of art- sound- integration and more, I realized that each of us who were hanging on the acrobatic dance of Tommaso Sandri's images punctuated by the sound orchestrated extemporaneously by Roberto Amadeo with the voice of Davide Mauro's sax, he would have taken its mood and essence and meaning and put it inside himself just as the protagonists had taken a part of themselves and put it inside this journey. And if what we are used to seeing, unfortunately, is squandering, the holocaust of opportunities; an act of collective extermination, perpetrated continuously,
if we usually squander meetings, almost always approached without curiosity, filtered by distrust; or destroy the words, never listen, never explored, never assumed and analyzed with the abundance of the existential entomologist that we should be; or again, we throw away panoramas, luci, watermarks of colors as if they were garbage that does not require any differentiation; but above all the ethnic cleansing of emotions, systematically replaced by fears with the correctness of distraction, MigrArt Project is a special exception to the rule. How can we pretend not to see or listen to those who arrive after having crossed a very high tide that has led them to drift away from their dignity in order to escape from their hells? These young boys certainly asked themselves this when they decided to leave and redo in reverse the journey that the refugees had made with unspeakable difficulties to arrive in our land.; they will have asked themselves this while on a thirty meter roll of paper, children and fathers and fears and desires and eyes and cages and prayers engraved their stories and all of this turns into a light that pierces your heart among many that blind you; a gesture that cannot be done in vain, cannot disappoint; that the greatest harm would be to listen with less emotion to the person who pronounces it. Alessandro Lillo Sandri.
I believe that the opportunities we have are a billion times those we take, billions of times what we say we didn't have, a trillion times what it would take to get our little one off the ground, stupid life spent waiting for what is already there. If only we simply looked around more, we came out of our individuality, we would understand in an instant that we are all citizens of the world, part of a single very diverse community. MigrArt Project already knows this.